Thanks for your interest. There are a number of ways you can reach us.

Alternatively, simply fill out the contact form below and we’ll be in touch very soon.


    Your name.

    Your email address.

    Your phone number.

    Your postcode.

    How many items would you like us to hang (approximates are okay), please give details.

    Do you need us to advice on curation or picture placement?

    Do you anticipate any items needing to be hung above three metres? Is so, please give details.

    Are any items to be hung on an existing picture rail?

    If you know what type of wall the items are to hung on, please give details (plasterboard, masonry etc.).

    Please upload any images that may be helpful.

    Can you provide free parking for the installer?

    Is there a date that you would like the work completed by or just as soon as possible?

    Are you an existing customer?

    How did you hear about us?

    Would you like to receive occasional updates from Hang It Services? You can opt out at any time.